Developing custom themes for WooCommerece and wanting to know how to override WooCommerce templates? You’ll just need to download some files into your WordPress theme’s directory.
1 answers
Download WooCommerce templates folder
You’ll need access to an FTP client such as FileZilla to connect to your server and download your files.
- Start by downloading and installing WooCommerce;
- Next, you’ll need to access your server using an FTP client;
- Navigate through the folders wp-content > plugins > woocommerce to download the whole templates folder’s contents;
- Whilst on the server, navigate through to wp-content > themes > your-theme-folder and create a directory called woocommerce;
- Upload the contents of the downloaded templates folder into this newly created woocommerce folder (upload only the contents and not the actual templates folder itself);
- After completing all the above steps, you’ll now be able to override the default WooCommerce templates.
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