Trying to show the hidden settings in your WordPress website’s admin area? All you may need is to call add_options_page() for the additional settings.
2 answers
Showing the hidden settings link in wp-admin
To show all the settings in your WordPress website’s admin area, copy and paste in the function below into your functions.php file.
function show_all_settings_link() { add_options_page( 'All Settings', 'All Settings', 'administrator', 'options.php' ); } add_action( 'admin_menu', 'show_all_settings_link' );
Note, that you should only call the above action for when debugging your WordPress website for security reasons.
— Support WizardAnswer 1
Navigating to the hidden settings without code
If you’re temporarily wanting to navigate to the hidden options page, you can visit the following URL of your WordPress website accordingly.
This is especially useful if you’re wanting to change the default media path, but can’t find the option anymore because it’s already been changed to the default.
— Support WizardAnswer 2